I’ve Got A Fax Coming In!

There were three business men in the sauna. All of them were relaxing and unwinding from their busy schedules when the first one stopped in mid conversation. He excused himself as be began talking to his wrist.

After several minutes he returned to the sauna and where he was asked why he was talking to his wrist.  He smiled and replied, that he had a cell phone placed in his wrist so we would never be with out it. The other two men just nodded their heads in understanding.

Soon after the first man sat down the second man jumped up and said “excuse me” as he walked out holding his hip. Shortly after he returned and quickly explained to the others that he too had a surgery only it was a pager that had been placed in his hip so he would always know if he was being paged.

Now the third man was feeling a bit left out and after several minutes he excused himself from the sauna, and returned a little later.  After entering the sauna the other two noticed that there was a piece of toilet paper still remaining in his back side and told the third man who quickly said “Oh, I must have a fax coming in!”

What Do You Give a 14 Year Old Boy For His Birthday???

I need to send a gift to my co-workers/dear friends son’s 14th birthday!  But what do you buy a young teenager? Having no children of my own I am at quite a loss as to what would be appropriate!  I am fairly sure he has out grown most toys especially since I have not seen him with anything but a cell phone or I Pod attached to his head in months and video games are a not something I would buy since I have no expertise in this area either. I am afraid I would either buy his something to childish or to violent, so I won’t go that route.

Then there is music I am also at a loss here as well I am so far out of touch with the music of today I actually only own a few CD’s that have been given to me as I prefer the sound of vinyl listening to Simon and Garfunkle, Sonny and Cher and on my rowdy days a little Janis Joplin.

I feel I am only left with two choices cash or a gift card both seem a little impersonal to me but I do know that both of them would quickly be spent before the weeks end? Does any one know if there might be something else a young boy might be interested in, something a bit more personal?


It’s My Party!

Recently I had someone bash me for not posting their post! Hello is this not my blog and I can say what I want too and post the comments I want too?  There is nothing out there that says I have to post any ones post and mainly some one who gets aggressive about it!   Who needs that?  Especially when all they are looking for is a fight and I detest fights!  So like the title of this blogs says “It’s My Party and I’ll Invite Whom I Want Too!”