Give Me A Break Global Warming Is A Fake!

Boy I am really tired of all this Global Warming talk! If we are in this thing called Global warming then why is the northwestern states still getting snow almost everyday in April? Why are there floods in the Midwest?

I think this whole global warming thing is a big old cover up by our leaders to take our focus off of what they have or have not be doing recently. For example they want to take our focus off of the fact we are in a recession  and that if nothing is done to change the way we’ve been doing things than will lead us into our next depression.

If people used their heads they would realize yes our weather patterns have changed but that has happened for thousands of years in cycles some as often as every year while other happen every hundred or thousand years. Why is it that scientist today forget to look to the past it’s time they stopped looking always to the future and compare the past, present and the future.

Also if people used their heads they would realize that we are in for some hard times in the very near future. With Gas on it’s way to $6.00 per gallon, as some specialist say this will raise the cost of everything. I am not looking forward to paying higher prices for clothes, food, utilities, and everything else under the sun because of the higher gas prices.

What happened to Americans being independent and free?  If this were still the case then why are we so reliant on foreign counties for our oil we have our own resources. Hello Alaska, the Gulf Of Mexico, and many other places like Texas, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana just to name a few.

I don’t know about you but my plan is to put this global Warming crap out of my mind and focus on the real issues such as the price of oil, and food and how I can prepare of what is to come.  I sure glad I have a garden of my own and that my mother taught me how to can. I think I might even buy a cow and some chickens this year.

You don’t have to take my word for it but check out people like Glenn Beck from main stream media or cruise through this alternative news group to see what other have to say.