Business Process Management Consulting

Oriel Incorporated’s Business Process Management consultants collaborate with clients to ensure that their organization’s processes have a positive impact on critical business drivers. We guide organizations in designing, deploying, monitoring, and improving processes using a systematic process management methodology and toolkit that are completely integrated with Six Sigma and other process improvement models.

Oriel consultants are skilled in using our methods in a customized, pragmatic way to fit your organization’s culture and needs. We bring proven track records and expertise in leading process management, quality improvement, and measurement and monitoring activities in both small and large organizations.

Our consultants have years of experience in process-based thinking, facilitation, training, and mentoring. All possess exceptional analytical, oral, and written skills. Each is chosen for his or her ability to lead, work with teams, and understand team dynamics.

Oriel Incorporated and our consultants are on the leading edge of methodological advances in the field of process management, able to illustrate the practical relevance of these through case studies and applied examples. Our goal is to disseminate best practices and enhance our customers’ learning through a mixture of these combined with concepts, individual applications, and learning from the experience of others.

As a first step, we work with the management in client organizations to identify the most important business drivers. If necessary, we can conduct a market analysis so that we and the organization can better understand the contributors to customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability. We then identify the key organizational processes and perform an analysis to determine the potential impact that each process has on the organization’s bottom line. Next, we develop a plan to monitor and evaluate the performance of these processes. Additionally, recommendations for improvement are developed and areas for improvement are prioritized.

Based on the opportunities identified, our Six Sigma and Lean teams can work with selected teams in the organization to achieve quick improvements to performance. We can assist with individual project coaching or a full-scale deployment, supported by our improvement methodologies and toolkits.

Finally, our hands-on assistance continues as we conduct workshops and presentations to train employees on the use of selected process management tools, so that they understand the critical nature of process management. This training helps the organization to achieve the cultural changes necessary in order to continue to improve and sustain processes after the Oriel consultants have concluded their work there.